Choose the right bed
You spend one third of your life time in your bed
So the choice of bed is crucial to your well being in general and thus a bit of info from us about beds
Our Danish produced beds are of the type: Box spring. This is a double spring system covered in fabric and supported by hidden solid wood frame in the lower section. The double spring system provides ultimate comfort whether you are big or small, want soft or firm comfort. Below you find spring type BONELL (see illustration) which are supporting the main part of body weight. On top the POCKET springs (which are springs where each one sits in its own little fabric pocket (see illustration) and these are much more flexible to adapt smaller changes in your body posture. Later came the MULTI POCKET springs (see illustration), which are smaller than normal POCKET. So mattress build up is bottom springs: BONELL and upper springs: POCKET or MULTI POCKET.
BONELL springs
POCKET springs
This way the Danish produced a more comfortable bed, with two spring systems to support you (a normal classic mattress only has one layer of springs).
Also newly added, the comfort zones, shown in illustration in white or grey - where the POCKET springs have different density, thus even more adapting to your body!
To cover all this, they use foam materials, mostly PUR-FOAM, polyurethane foam and LATEX, the foam made from natural rubber
The foam also provides the so called comfort layer of the mattress.
The finished box spring is then covered in high quality fabric, to create a minimalistic furniture look. And also this product will save you space in the bedroom and provide you maximum sleeping area.
To to choose YOUR bed - please consider how you would like it to feel: softer or firmer. In general if your weight is more than 75 kg, you should aim for a firmer mattress. The caracteristics of our selection:
BONELL+POCKET - can be MEDIUM of FIRM in comfort
Latex or PUR foam? Mainly to consider to the top mattress, the separate part on top, providing you the last bit of comfort - LATEX will feel softer and more comforting for most, but also a bit more expensive than PUR - but definitely worth it. The Pur is always used under the topper, on the top of mattress itself and that is okay, if you put the LATEX topper on top to finish off
I hope this gave a bit of back ground info and of course you are most welcome to get in touch if you have more questions - feel free!
Last, I think the Danish beds are designed and crafted very well, maybe inspired from H.C.Andersens "The princess on the pea" ?